12 weeks Personalised Health and Nutrition Coaching Package
Let’s face it, making sustainable diet and lifestyle changes can be really hard! Trying to do it on your own can be overwhelming and frustrating. Let alone trying to work out how to fit your own needs into those of your family. The Platinum package gives you both the space and the support to understand what’s getting in your way, identify and prioritize what needs to change and keep you accountable to embed that change in your life.
This is like nothing you've tried before. This whole-person framework is custom tailored for your circumstances. The flexible approach means that you set the pace. You get the coaching and materials you need when you are ready which means you won't be overwhelmed and gives you the best chance of building habits that stick. The fortnightly coaching contact over a 12 week period means you stay on track and have the support to deal with your health blockers as they occur.
With my proven 5-step Foundation Framework we'll address all the factors that impact your health:
Lifestyle factors
​This unique approach is CRUCIAL to building sustainable, life-long good health. It's targeted and tailored to help you achieve your best health and gain the skills to keep it.
If you do it right, you do it once.
To book a complimentary clarity call to chat with me about the right option for you click here.
Inside the programme
This is where the magic happens - it's your personalised plan to be:
Focused on the right things to improve your health
Motivated to create new habits that stick
Committed to yourself
Successful at addressing your health hurdles
Confident that you can build the health future you want
​The programme is tailored to your needs and designed to take the 'hard' out of being healthy. I'm with you 100% of the way; to keep you on track, to help you when the going gets tough and to join you in celebration of your successes!
Over the 12-week period we'll look at all the factors that contribute to the health you have:
What you eat
How you move your body
Where your stress comes from
What you do for fun
What influences your health choices
What gets in your way
When we go deep into your health using the 5-step Foundation Framework we'll create a personalised strategy for your exact needs to move towards the health you want. And we'll create the time, space and support for you to see it through.
Together we'll take away the if's and the buts that have stopped you in the past. It's my aim that your programme is fun, friendly and achievable. I'm here to guide and support you to take action to improve your health and leave with the skills to keep it.
​If you’re invested in creating your vibrant future I've got you covered.
Click below now to book a complementary clarity call with me and to answer any additional queries you may have.